Player Clan Wars 2 History
Historic performance of players in Clash Royale Clan Wars 2: Fame, Repair Points, Boat Attacks in every season.
site clan wars 2 new featureWe have added Clan Wars 2 History to player profiles today!
Here are the fields included in each entry:
- Season ID (S): the unique ID representing the clan war season and week number
- Date: the end date of the week, i.e. when the log entry was created
- Clan Rank (R): the placement / position of the clan among the group of 5
- Clan Name (C): name of the clan (link to clan war analytics)
- Clan League (L): clan war league, e.g. Bronze, Silver, Gold or Legendary and its division (1-3)
- Clan trophies (and thus clan league) were not correctly reported before season 66, so we have excluded those from display.
- We did not index clan ranks with player history until Season 65 so these will be missing for Season 64. Season 64 is the first season after CW2 has started.
- Fame: Number of points contributed towards clan fame
- Repair Points: Number of points contributed towards boat repairs
- Boat Attacks: Number of times player has attacked other clan boats
- Total Contribution: The sum of points from Fame and Repair Points
- As with Clan Wars 1 History, it only contains history that we know about.
- When you visit the clan war log or clan war analytics pages of a clan, we automatically log the performance of all of the clan members.
- In order for us to have a record of a player, someone must have visited the clan the player belong to at some point.
- It’s not possible to fetch this info from Supercell beyond the last 10 war weeks — so if any dates are missing, it is lost forever.
- Members belonging to clans with clan history enabled will be automatically logged.
- To enable clan history, add
to your clan description. Learn more about Clan History
- To enable clan history, add
Where is it?
The Clan Wars 2 History is located at the bottom of your player profile, where you’ll find your Clan History and Trophy History.
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