Evolved Royal Giant - 2023 Q2 Summer Update
The evolved RG deals damage to defending troops, and pushes them back.
Royal Giant is one of the four cards that will have evolution in the June update. Here’s everything you need to know.
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Evolved Royal Giant
The ultimate enemy of siege decks is here with fancy golden projectiles, aka golden balls.
Evolved Royal Giant has 30% more Hit Points (HP) than the normal one. When he shoots his golden cannonballs, he deals area damage to the ground troops that surround him, and also pushes them away. The area of this damage is similar to the Royal Delivery, a bit bigger than a Fireball. It deals 81 damage at tournament level, just enough to kill Skeletons.
If you have watched pre-release footage, you might notice that the pushback from the Evolved Royal Giant has been reduced from 1.5 tiles to just 1. This is a slight nerf that makes him less OP.
Royal Giant needs 1 Cycle to evolve, so half of the Royal Giants you deploy will be in their evolved form.
Evolved Royal Giant Stats
To summarize, here’s how the evolved version differ from the regular version:
- Cycles: 1
- Deals Recoil Damage, which is an area damage with a 0.25 radius, or a diameter of 0.5 tiles.
- Recoil pushes back troops for 1 tile. It also deals damage to troops within the cannon ball radius, i.e. if the cannon projectile shoots past those troops.
- HP +30%.
- Golden Balls.
Royal Giant Card Art Update
Royal Giant just had a card art update not long ago, so he won’t be getting yet another refresh. Like the other evolved cards though, he will get a unique look for his evolved state.
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