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The Hot Box Family is a chill tight-knit group of active, semi-competitive players always looking to improve our game and have a fun time doing so. While US-based, we have members from all over the world. Come and rise with us!

Family Clan🔺️No Drama🔺️Closely Knit Community🔺️Clan Wars is Buns🔺️EST: March 2020🔺️
67,480 Trophies | 3,600 Requirement
1,107 Clan War Trophies
94 Donations
26 / 50 Members
Invite Only
donations and activity are recommended.
10,386 Trophies | 2,600 Requirement
675 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
5 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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