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The Mr Boom clan family is a pair of top war clans! Mr Boom is a top global and UK clan, focused on pushing high. Baby Boomers is our feeder clan but is competitive in its own right. Please join our discord or request in-game to join!

Top UK War clan🇬🇧Always looking for new top players!💣2nd clan:Baby Boomers, Clan full? Use discord:e2D8zQAQ4D 💣
88,465 Trophies | 9,000 Requirement
4,970 Clan War Trophies
5,930 Donations
46 / 50 Members
Invite Only
Top war clan part of the Mr Boom family always looking for new recruits. Top Weekly: Uzi 3400!💣💥
86,458 Trophies | 7,000 Requirement
3,980 Clan War Trophies
6,768 Donations
50 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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