By @Grampa_Ivy

Since the dawn of time, the world of gaming has been considered the domain of youth. A world filled with acne, body odour, and snoring in the classroom following an all-night session of Black Ops 2. For eons there had been no threat to the dominance of virgins in this realm. Till now…

The time of the boomer has arrived.

I am here today to introduce you to CRVL. I am sure many of you have heard of CRL, the Clash Royale League. Well, we are kinda similar apart from a V, and that V represents the new breed of elite level gamers invading Pimple City…Veterans.

Okay, lets get serious.

I’m personally extremely active in the Clash Royale Twitter community despite being 53 years of age. A lot of pro players are people I would consider friends. They frequently pop by my clan to say hello and clap me in a few friendly battles. One of my running jokes on Twitter is that I have had 18 consecutive finishes at No #1 on the over 50s ladder. I invented CRVL and my pro team, Grampa Gaming (GG) both as a joke. The only part of my pretend pro career which is real, is that I pay myself in Doritos.

I am sure many of you are familiar with or use RoyaleAPI, by far and away the best Clash Royale website/tool out there. It is the place to go for everything. Your personal in-game information, decks, card analysis, clan management tools, and a host of other services. There isn’t a pro in the game who doesn’t use RoyaleAPI.

I was approached by the owner and creator of RoyaleAPI to see if we could collaborate on a project. He very graciously offered to use his fantastic website to host a Clash Royale ladder, just like the in-game ladder, for older players only. We decided to set the age requirement at over 30, since there are not many at my age.

Maybe you’re an oldie reading this and you’re interested. Maybe you have a parent you introduced to the game, just like my 16 yr old son introduced me.

If so, click the link below, fill out the form, and sign up. Then keep your eye out on RoyaleAPI for when the ladder goes live.

At this stage we are only offering the ladder service. It will be nice to see who are the best veterans in the game, but who knows where this journey might take us in the future? The door is now open for you to become a foundation member.

Originally posted on Reddit

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