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5515 / 5515 PB
Executioner's Kitchen
0 / 0 PB
Goblins 1

Card Collection


Commons Commons
35% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 120,015
Needed 218,393
Max Total 338,408
Upgradeable 14
Spear Goblins Skeletons Barbarians Minion Horde Mortar Royal Recruits Rascals Elite Barbarians Skeleton Dragons Archers Cannon Electro Spirit Fire Spirit Royal Delivery
Rares Rares
32% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 31,607
Needed 66,973
Max Total 98,580
Upgradeable 18
Barbarian Hut Rocket Inferno Tower Wizard Flying Machine Three Musketeers Elixir Collector Ice Golem Zappies Giant Mega Minion Goblin Cage Bomb Tower Elixir Golem Heal Spirit Battle Healer Royal Hogs Suspicious Bush
Epics Epics
38% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 5,068
Needed 8,138
Max Total 13,206
Upgradeable 12
Lightning X-Bow Golem Goblin Giant Electro Giant Mirror Skeleton Army Rage Executioner Goblin Drill Void Clone
Legendaries Legendaries
25% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 216
Needed 624
Max Total 840
Upgradeable 3
Fisherman Magic Archer Goblin Machine
Champions Champions
3% Lvl 14 Cards
0% Elite Cards
Collected 6
Needed 174
Max Total 180
Upgradeable 0
15% Gold Progress til Level 14
0% Elite Level Progress
Gems equiv 100k gold / 4500 gems
Required for available upgrades
Required til max
Max total
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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