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5663 / 5823 PB
Executioner's Kitchen
2277 / 2277 PB
Goblins 3

Card Collection

Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
190 / 800
11110 til max
976 collected
Fire Spirit
Fire Spirit
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
54 / 1,000
10446 til max
1,640 collected
Ice Spirit
Ice Spirit
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
370 / 800
10930 til max
1,156 collected
Electro Spirit
Electro Spirit
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
83 / 800
11217 til max
869 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
389 / 1,000
10111 til max
1,975 collected
Spear Goblins
Spear Goblins
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
513 / 800
10787 til max
1,299 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
749 / 800
10551 til max
1,535 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
373 / 800
10927 til max
1,159 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
307 / 1,000
10193 til max
1,893 collected
Giant Snowball
Giant Snowball
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
284 / 800
11016 til max
1,070 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
173 / 800
11127 til max
959 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
523 / 1,000
9977 til max
2,109 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
745 / 800
10555 til max
1,531 collected
Goblin Gang
Goblin Gang
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
318 / 800
10982 til max
1,104 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
368 / 1,000
10132 til max
1,954 collected
Skeleton Barrel
Skeleton Barrel
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
51 / 800
11249 til max
837 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 1,000
10499 til max
1,587 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
659 / 1,000
9841 til max
2,245 collected
Royal Delivery
Royal Delivery
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
108 / 400
11592 til max
494 collected
Skeleton Dragons
Skeleton Dragons
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
392 / 800
10908 til max
1,178 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
510 / 800
10790 til max
1,296 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
254 / 400
11446 til max
640 collected
Minion Horde
Minion Horde
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
306 / 400
11394 til max
692 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
87 / 800
11213 til max
873 collected
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
223 / 5,000
4777 til max
7,309 collected
Royal Giant
Royal Giant
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
645 / 800
10655 til max
1,431 collected
Elite Barbarians
Elite Barbarians
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
35 / 800
11265 til max
821 collected
Royal Recruits
Royal Recruits
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
583 / 800
10717 til max
1,369 collected
Heal Spirit
Heal Spirit
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
34 / 200
3066 til max
220 collected
Ice Golem
Ice Golem
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
5 / 200
3095 til max
191 collected
Suspicious Bush
Suspicious Bush
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
77 / 200
3023 til max
263 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
107 / 200
2993 til max
293 collected
Mega Minion
Mega Minion
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
168 / 200
2932 til max
354 collected
Dart Goblin
Dart Goblin
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
67 / 200
3033 til max
253 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
30 / 100
3170 til max
116 collected
Elixir Golem
Elixir Golem
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
16 / 100
3184 til max
102 collected
Flying Machine
Flying Machine
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
92 / 100
3108 til max
178 collected
Battle Ram
Battle Ram
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
112 / 200
2988 til max
298 collected
Goblin Cage
Goblin Cage
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
183 / 200
2917 til max
369 collected
Hog Rider
Hog Rider
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
91 / 200
3009 til max
277 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
148 / 500
2352 til max
934 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
89 / 100
3111 til max
175 collected
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
671 / 750
1329 til max
1,957 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
24 / 200
3076 til max
210 collected
Bomb Tower
Bomb Tower
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
29 / 200
3071 til max
215 collected
Battle Healer
Battle Healer
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
115 / 200
2985 til max
301 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
134 / 200
2966 til max
320 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
30 / 500
2470 til max
816 collected
Goblin Demolisher
Goblin Demolisher
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
121 / 400
2779 til max
507 collected
Royal Hogs
Royal Hogs
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
113 / 200
2987 til max
299 collected
Inferno Tower
Inferno Tower
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
12 / 400
2888 til max
398 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
191 / 200
2909 til max
377 collected
Goblin Hut
Goblin Hut
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
140 / 200
2960 til max
326 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
22 / 400
2878 til max
408 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
138 / 200
2962 til max
324 collected
Barbarian Hut
Barbarian Hut
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
81 / 100
3119 til max
167 collected
Elixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
37 / 100
3163 til max
123 collected
Three Musketeers
Three Musketeers
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
45 / 200
3055 til max
231 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
4 / 10
416 til max
10 collected
Barbarian Barrel
Barbarian Barrel
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
19 / 20
391 til max
35 collected
Wall Breakers
Wall Breakers
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
7 / 20
403 til max
23 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 6
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
425 til max
1 collected
Goblin Curse
Goblin Curse
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
31 / 40
359 til max
67 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
4 / 10
416 til max
10 collected
Skeleton Army
Skeleton Army
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
34 / 50
316 til max
110 collected
Goblin Barrel
Goblin Barrel
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
102 / 200
98 til max
328 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 10
420 til max
6 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
8 / 10
412 til max
14 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 6
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
425 til max
1 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 9
4,000 Gold
200 Experience
10 / 10
410 til max
16 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
12 / 20
398 til max
28 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
26 / 40
364 til max
62 collected
Dark Prince
Dark Prince
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
10 / 20
400 til max
26 collected
Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
48 / 50
302 til max
124 collected
Goblin Drill
Goblin Drill
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
5 / 20
405 til max
21 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
16 / 20
394 til max
32 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
17 / 50
333 til max
93 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 40
389 til max
37 collected
Electro Dragon
Electro Dragon
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
5 / 10
415 til max
11 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
2 / 20
408 til max
18 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 20
410 til max
16 collected
Cannon Cart
Cannon Cart
Lvl 6 UPG 6
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
425 til max
1 collected
Giant Skeleton
Giant Skeleton
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
18 / 20
392 til max
34 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
21 / 40
369 til max
57 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
7 / 20
403 til max
23 collected
Goblin Giant
Goblin Giant
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
14 / 20
396 til max
30 collected
Electro Giant
Electro Giant
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
6 / 10
414 til max
12 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
29 / 50
321 til max
105 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
16 / 20
394 til max
32 collected
The Log
The Log
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Ice Wizard
Ice Wizard
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 10
30 til max
12 collected
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 20
20 til max
22 collected
Royal Ghost
Royal Ghost
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Inferno Dragon
Inferno Dragon
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Electro Wizard
Electro Wizard
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Magic Archer
Magic Archer
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Mother Witch
Mother Witch
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Ram Rider
Ram Rider
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Goblin Machine
Goblin Machine
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Lava Hound
Lava Hound
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Mega Knight
Mega Knight
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 20
20 til max
22 collected
Little Prince
Little Prince
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 8
27 til max
3 collected
Golden Knight
Golden Knight
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
29 til max
1 collected
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