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Dark Knight


6054 / 6272 PB
Royal Crypt
2872 / 2872 PB
Goblins 3
Not in Clan

Card Collection

Fire Spirit
Fire Spirit
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
15 / 1,500
9485 til max
2,601 collected
Ice Spirit
Ice Spirit
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
1,006 / 1,000
9494 til max
2,592 collected
Electro Spirit
Electro Spirit
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
683 / 1,500
8817 til max
3,269 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
987 / 1,500
8513 til max
3,573 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
926 / 1,500
8574 til max
3,512 collected
Giant Snowball
Giant Snowball
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
648 / 1,000
9852 til max
2,234 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
639 / 1,500
8861 til max
3,225 collected
Spear Goblins
Spear Goblins
Lvl 9 UPG 12
58,000 Gold
1,800 Experience
5,700 / 800
5600 til max
6,486 collected
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
2,080 / 3,000
5920 til max
6,166 collected
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
984 / 3,000
7016 til max
5,070 collected
Royal Delivery
Royal Delivery
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
43 / 1,500
9457 til max
2,629 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
1,417 / 800
9883 til max
2,203 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
745 / 1,000
9755 til max
2,331 collected
Goblin Gang
Goblin Gang
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
1,626 / 3,000
6374 til max
5,712 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
754 / 1,500
8746 til max
3,340 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
288 / 1,500
9212 til max
2,874 collected
Skeleton Barrel
Skeleton Barrel
Lvl 9 UPG 11
23,000 Gold
1,000 Experience
1,879 / 800
9421 til max
2,665 collected
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
16 / 5,000
4984 til max
7,102 collected
Lvl 15 UPG 14
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 0
0 til max
12,086 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
382 / 1,500
9118 til max
2,968 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
1,075 / 1,000
9425 til max
2,661 collected
Skeleton Dragons
Skeleton Dragons
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
260 / 1,500
9240 til max
2,846 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
507 / 1,500
8993 til max
3,093 collected
Minion Horde
Minion Horde
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
1,419 / 1,000
9081 til max
3,005 collected
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
762 / 3,000
7238 til max
4,848 collected
Royal Giant
Royal Giant
Lvl 12 UPG 13
75,000 Gold
1,600 Experience
3,000 / 3,000
5000 til max
7,086 collected
Elite Barbarians
Elite Barbarians
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
1,462 / 800
9838 til max
2,248 collected
Royal Recruits
Royal Recruits
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
1,381 / 1,000
9119 til max
2,967 collected
Heal Spirit
Heal Spirit
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
476 / 200
2624 til max
662 collected
Ice Golem
Ice Golem
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
302 / 400
2598 til max
688 collected
Suspicious Bush
Suspicious Bush
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
77 / 400
2823 til max
463 collected
Mega Minion
Mega Minion
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
195 / 400
2705 til max
581 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
431 / 200
2669 til max
617 collected
Dart Goblin
Dart Goblin
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
190 / 500
2310 til max
976 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
323 / 400
2577 til max
709 collected
Elixir Golem
Elixir Golem
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
154 / 400
2746 til max
540 collected
Bomb Tower
Bomb Tower
Lvl 7 UPG 10
14,000 Gold
700 Experience
466 / 50
2784 til max
502 collected
Flying Machine
Flying Machine
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
481 / 200
2619 til max
667 collected
Goblin Cage
Goblin Cage
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
160 / 500
2340 til max
946 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
527 / 200
2573 til max
713 collected
Battle Healer
Battle Healer
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
253 / 400
2647 til max
639 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
429 / 400
2471 til max
815 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
162 / 400
2738 til max
548 collected
Battle Ram
Battle Ram
Lvl 9 UPG 11
23,000 Gold
1,000 Experience
605 / 200
2495 til max
791 collected
Hog Rider
Hog Rider
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
172 / 400
2728 til max
558 collected
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
219 / 750
1781 til max
1,505 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
318 / 200
2782 til max
504 collected
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Lvl 14 UPG 14
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 til max
3,286 collected
Goblin Demolisher
Goblin Demolisher
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
5 / 500
2495 til max
791 collected
Royal Hogs
Royal Hogs
Lvl 8 UPG 10
12,000 Gold
600 Experience
558 / 100
2642 til max
644 collected
Goblin Hut
Goblin Hut
Lvl 9 UPG 11
23,000 Gold
1,000 Experience
1,091 / 200
2009 til max
1,277 collected
Inferno Tower
Inferno Tower
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
526 / 200
2574 til max
712 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
483 / 400
2417 til max
869 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
295 / 400
2605 til max
681 collected
Barbarian Hut
Barbarian Hut
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
544 / 200
2556 til max
730 collected
Elixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Lvl 8 UPG 10
12,000 Gold
600 Experience
422 / 100
2778 til max
508 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
415 / 200
2685 til max
601 collected
Three Musketeers
Three Musketeers
Lvl 8 UPG 10
12,000 Gold
600 Experience
474 / 100
2726 til max
560 collected
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
20 / 200
180 til max
246 collected
Barbarian Barrel
Barbarian Barrel
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
10 / 40
380 til max
46 collected
Wall Breakers
Wall Breakers
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
36 / 50
314 til max
112 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 40
389 til max
37 collected
Goblin Curse
Goblin Curse
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
13 / 100
287 til max
139 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
21 / 40
369 til max
57 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
21 / 20
389 til max
37 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
8 / 50
342 til max
84 collected
Goblin Barrel
Goblin Barrel
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
38 / 200
162 til max
264 collected
Skeleton Army
Skeleton Army
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
10 / 50
340 til max
86 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 40
387 til max
39 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
12 / 50
338 til max
88 collected
Dark Prince
Dark Prince
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
34 / 40
356 til max
70 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
5 / 40
385 til max
41 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
23 / 20
387 til max
39 collected
Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 50
347 til max
79 collected
Goblin Drill
Goblin Drill
Lvl 9 UPG 12
58,000 Gold
1,800 Experience
178 / 20
232 til max
194 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
19 / 50
331 til max
95 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
27 / 50
323 til max
103 collected
Electro Dragon
Electro Dragon
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
34 / 40
356 til max
70 collected
Cannon Cart
Cannon Cart
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
23 / 20
387 til max
39 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
6 / 50
344 til max
82 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 50
350 til max
76 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
19 / 40
371 til max
55 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 11
23,000 Gold
1,000 Experience
63 / 20
347 til max
79 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
11 / 40
379 til max
47 collected
Giant Skeleton
Giant Skeleton
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
11 / 20
399 til max
27 collected
Goblin Giant
Goblin Giant
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
13 / 50
337 til max
89 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
20 / 40
370 til max
56 collected
Electro Giant
Electro Giant
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
20 / 40
370 til max
56 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
41 / 20
369 til max
57 collected
The Log
The Log
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 6
35 til max
7 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 6
36 til max
6 collected
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 10
30 til max
12 collected
Ice Wizard
Ice Wizard
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 6
36 til max
6 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
2 / 4
38 til max
4 collected
Royal Ghost
Royal Ghost
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 4
37 til max
5 collected
Magic Archer
Magic Archer
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 6
36 til max
6 collected
Inferno Dragon
Inferno Dragon
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 6
36 til max
6 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
2 / 4
38 til max
4 collected
Electro Wizard
Electro Wizard
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 10
30 til max
12 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Night Witch
Night Witch
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 4
39 til max
3 collected
Mother Witch
Mother Witch
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Ram Rider
Ram Rider
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 10
30 til max
12 collected
Goblin Machine
Goblin Machine
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 6
33 til max
9 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 4
40 til max
2 collected
Lava Hound
Lava Hound
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 4
37 til max
5 collected
Mega Knight
Mega Knight
Lvl 13 UPG 13
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 20
19 til max
23 collected
Little Prince
Little Prince
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 8
28 til max
2 collected
Skeleton King
Skeleton King
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 8
28 til max
2 collected
Golden Knight
Golden Knight
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 8
28 til max
2 collected
Mighty Miner
Mighty Miner
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 8
28 til max
2 collected
Archer Queen
Archer Queen
Lvl 12 UPG 12
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 8
27 til max
3 collected
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