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3462 / 3462 PB
Electro Valley
Electro Valley
Not in Clan

Card Collection

Ice Spirit
Ice Spirit
Lvl 7 UPG 8
2,000 Gold
100 Experience
328 / 200
11572 til max
514 collected
Fire Spirit
Fire Spirit
Lvl 5 UPG 9
7,400 Gold
375 Experience
864 / 50
11186 til max
900 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 9
4,000 Gold
200 Experience
1,145 / 400
10555 til max
1,531 collected
Electro Spirit
Electro Spirit
Lvl 1 UPG 5
225 Gold
25 Experience
40 / 2
12046 til max
40 collected
Lvl 5 UPG 9
7,400 Gold
375 Experience
1,162 / 50
10888 til max
1,198 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 9
4,000 Gold
200 Experience
492 / 400
11208 til max
878 collected
Spear Goblins
Spear Goblins
Lvl 7 UPG 9
6,000 Gold
300 Experience
901 / 200
10999 til max
1,087 collected
Lvl 5 UPG 9
7,400 Gold
375 Experience
1,262 / 50
10788 til max
1,298 collected
Giant Snowball
Giant Snowball
Lvl 1 UPG 10
15,625 Gold
800 Experience
2,027 / 2
10059 til max
2,027 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
144 / 1,500
9356 til max
2,730 collected
Lvl 7 UPG 8
2,000 Gold
100 Experience
555 / 200
11345 til max
741 collected
Lvl 7 UPG 10
14,000 Gold
700 Experience
2,042 / 200
9858 til max
2,228 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
1,453 / 800
9847 til max
2,239 collected
Goblin Gang
Goblin Gang
Lvl 1 UPG 9
7,625 Gold
400 Experience
898 / 2
11188 til max
898 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
992 / 800
10308 til max
1,778 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 9
7,000 Gold
350 Experience
906 / 100
11094 til max
992 collected
Skeleton Barrel
Skeleton Barrel
Lvl 1 UPG 6
625 Gold
50 Experience
105 / 2
11981 til max
105 collected
Skeleton Dragons
Skeleton Dragons
Lvl 7 UPG 9
6,000 Gold
300 Experience
1,117 / 200
10783 til max
1,303 collected
Lvl 1 UPG 8
3,625 Gold
200 Experience
467 / 2
11619 til max
467 collected
Lvl 1 UPG 6
625 Gold
50 Experience
96 / 2
11990 til max
96 collected
Lvl 8 UPG 10
12,000 Gold
600 Experience
1,425 / 400
10275 til max
1,811 collected
Minion Horde
Minion Horde
Lvl 1 UPG 9
7,625 Gold
400 Experience
1,056 / 2
11030 til max
1,056 collected
Royal Giant
Royal Giant
Lvl 1 UPG 9
7,625 Gold
400 Experience
1,225 / 2
10861 til max
1,225 collected
Elite Barbarians
Elite Barbarians
Lvl 1 UPG 9
7,625 Gold
400 Experience
1,113 / 2
10973 til max
1,113 collected
Royal Recruits
Royal Recruits
Lvl 1 UPG 8
3,625 Gold
200 Experience
420 / 2
11666 til max
420 collected
Ice Golem
Ice Golem
Lvl 7 UPG 8
2,000 Gold
100 Experience
146 / 50
3104 til max
182 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 9
7,000 Gold
350 Experience
263 / 20
3007 til max
279 collected
Mega Minion
Mega Minion
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
62 / 200
3038 til max
248 collected
Dart Goblin
Dart Goblin
Lvl 3 UPG 9
7,600 Gold
391 Experience
378 / 2
2908 til max
378 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
233 / 400
2667 til max
619 collected
Goblin Cage
Goblin Cage
Lvl 8 UPG 8
0 Gold
0 Experience
75 / 100
3125 til max
161 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
195 / 200
2905 til max
381 collected
Battle Ram
Battle Ram
Lvl 7 UPG 10
14,000 Gold
700 Experience
602 / 50
2648 til max
638 collected
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
28 / 200
3072 til max
214 collected
Flying Machine
Flying Machine
Lvl 3 UPG 9
7,600 Gold
391 Experience
354 / 2
2932 til max
354 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
156 / 400
2744 til max
542 collected
Hog Rider
Hog Rider
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
253 / 200
2847 til max
439 collected
Lvl 3 UPG 9
7,600 Gold
391 Experience
246 / 2
3040 til max
246 collected
Bomb Tower
Bomb Tower
Lvl 3 UPG 4
50 Gold
6 Experience
5 / 2
3281 til max
5 collected
Battle Healer
Battle Healer
Lvl 3 UPG 5
200 Gold
16 Experience
11 / 2
3275 til max
11 collected
Lvl 3 UPG 4
50 Gold
6 Experience
3 / 2
3283 til max
3 collected
Lvl 7 UPG 9
6,000 Gold
300 Experience
256 / 50
2994 til max
292 collected
Inferno Tower
Inferno Tower
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
32 / 200
3068 til max
218 collected
Royal Hogs
Royal Hogs
Lvl 3 UPG 9
7,600 Gold
391 Experience
238 / 2
3048 til max
238 collected
Goblin Hut
Goblin Hut
Lvl 3 UPG 8
3,600 Gold
191 Experience
157 / 2
3129 til max
157 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 9
7,000 Gold
350 Experience
197 / 20
3073 til max
213 collected
Lvl 3 UPG 8
3,600 Gold
191 Experience
133 / 2
3153 til max
133 collected
Barbarian Hut
Barbarian Hut
Lvl 3 UPG 3
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
3285 til max
1 collected
Three Musketeers
Three Musketeers
Lvl 3 UPG 10
15,600 Gold
791 Experience
421 / 2
2865 til max
421 collected
Wall Breakers
Wall Breakers
Lvl 8 UPG 9
4,000 Gold
200 Experience
20 / 10
400 til max
26 collected
Barbarian Barrel
Barbarian Barrel
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
35 / 20
375 til max
51 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 6
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
425 til max
1 collected
Skeleton Army
Skeleton Army
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
31 / 40
359 til max
67 collected
Goblin Barrel
Goblin Barrel
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
2 / 40
388 til max
38 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
17 / 50
333 til max
93 collected
Dark Prince
Dark Prince
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
26 / 20
384 til max
42 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 9
6,400 Gold
325 Experience
17 / 2
409 til max
17 collected
Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
8 / 20
402 til max
24 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
18 / 40
372 til max
54 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 40
387 til max
39 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
30 / 40
360 til max
66 collected
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
51 / 20
359 til max
67 collected
Giant Skeleton
Giant Skeleton
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
21 / 20
389 til max
37 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 10
14,400 Gold
725 Experience
59 / 2
367 til max
59 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 9
6,400 Gold
325 Experience
32 / 2
394 til max
32 collected
Goblin Giant
Goblin Giant
Lvl 9 UPG 10
8,000 Gold
400 Experience
24 / 20
386 til max
40 collected
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
0 / 40
390 til max
36 collected
Lvl 6 UPG 9
6,400 Gold
325 Experience
20 / 2
406 til max
20 collected
The Log
The Log
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 4
37 til max
5 collected
Ice Wizard
Ice Wizard
Lvl 9 UPG 10
5,000 Gold
250 Experience
5 / 2
37 til max
5 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 6
33 til max
9 collected
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 6
33 til max
9 collected
Magic Archer
Magic Archer
Lvl 10 UPG 11
15,000 Gold
600 Experience
4 / 4
36 til max
6 collected
Inferno Dragon
Inferno Dragon
Lvl 11 UPG 11
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 6
33 til max
9 collected
Electro Wizard
Electro Wizard
Lvl 9 UPG 9
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 2
41 til max
1 collected
Ram Rider
Ram Rider
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
2 / 4
38 til max
4 collected
Lava Hound
Lava Hound
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
1 / 4
39 til max
3 collected
Mega Knight
Mega Knight
Lvl 10 UPG 10
0 Gold
0 Experience
3 / 4
37 til max
5 collected
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