Emote Log - New Feature
The wait is over. Along with all our other post-battle data, you can now track emote usage with our new feature—Emote Log! Emote Log [...]
The wait is over. Along with all our other post-battle data, you can now track emote usage with our new feature—Emote Log!
Emote Log is accessible on every battle log via this Pink button shown under each battle.
It shows:
- Graphical emotes used by both players.
- Text-based emotes used by both players, localized to the language you have selected on our site.
- Confetti thrown by each spectator.
- Emotes used by spectators from both sides.
Possible Scenarios:
- Check out who has spectated and BM’ed your games.
- See what your opponent has emoted in case you mute all of your games.
- Research new BM strategies on the GC Winners Feed
Tell us what you think about this new feature and how you are using it on Reddit!
Login Required
Similar to our other advanced features like Replay and Matchup, Emote Log requires Login with Discord / Twitter / Google for access.
Update: Team Indicators (2020-07-02)
🇺🇸 Ever felt like you’ve got a “friend” cheering for your opponent? Now you can bust that traitor with our latest update!
🇯🇵 Flag of Japan あなたの「フレンド」は本当に「味方」でアナタを応援してくれてますか?😈 このアプデでその真相が解き明かされます!
Update: BM Score (2020-07-10)
🇺🇸 Taking the L’s to HC’s? Win the BM war with our new mini game! Check your scores and tell us your highest. 📸
🇪🇸 Haces mejor BM que tus rivales? Ya puedes comprobarlo con BM Score!
🇯🇵 戦いは相性負け…それならこの新ミニゲーム「スタンプ勝負」で勝ち越しちゃえ😆 #クラロワ
Update: Summary (2020-07-11)
🇺🇸 You can now view a summary, by count, of how much support you’re receiving from friends in our Emote Log
🇪🇸 Ahora el registro de reacciones incluye un resumen para cada lado.
🇯🇵 スタンプログ新機能: 両サイドの紙吹雪とスタンプの回数を確認しよう!