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We are first and foremost a community. We prize respect and great sporting spirit amongst our members above all else. Whether your goal is competitive eSports or simply having a good time with your friends - we can accommodate you. We strive for excellence in all of our endeavors. Our members come from all walks of life, time zones, and locales. We are one big competitive family. Make Milkyway your way!

💫🌎 Be Active, Donate, and use your War Attacks💫🌎 At least 2200+ points per war or get the boot💫🌎 Attack in war or leave
89,018 Trophies | 8,500 Requirement
4,318 Clan War Trophies
11,486 Donations
50 / 50 Members
War clan. Bottom of the list gets kicked if we're full.🔥1 of 7 Milkyway family clans.🔥 • RoyaleAPI • GL HF🔥
74,875 Trophies | 0 Requirement
2,190 Clan War Trophies
2,652 Donations
49 / 50 Members
Welcome to Milkyway Alliance, discord: “pfeDkeJ” . Adult, respectful members only! stats on: War participation req'd
69,238 Trophies | 5,000 Requirement
2,022 Clan War Trophies
1,328 Donations
34 / 50 Members
M A R S is a war clan, all members are required to take part in war or you will be kicked. English speaking clan. Have Fun!
79,019 Trophies | 5,000 Requirement
2,900 Clan War Trophies
7,670 Donations
47 / 50 Members
welcome to Clan Neptune! have fun!
55,597 Trophies | 2,600 Requirement
1,211 Clan War Trophies
362 Donations
33 / 50 Members
MilkyWay Clan Family🔥7 Competitive Clans🔥eSports, Tournaments🔥🔥🔥war Clan🔥
2,798 Trophies | 0 Requirement
1,309 Clan War Trophies
0 Donations
1 / 50 Members
Creator Code Support us with creator code RoyaleAPI
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