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CRL 2022 20-Win Challenge Cards and Decks

August 15, 2022 · 6 min read

Cards and Win-Condition Stats at the Clash Royale 20-Win Challenge in August 2022.

CRL 2022 20-Win Challenge Card Stats: Win-Conditions

The 20-Win Challenge in 2022 ran for five days in August. How do the cards perform?

Table of Contents


We took all the decks that have won the 20-win challenge, and grouped them by their win-conditions.

Decks with multiple win-conditions will only belong to a single win conditions. For example, Lava Loon decks will appear under Lava Hound only, so card usage for Balloon only includes decks that use Balloon as its sole win-condition. This differs from our previous card analyses which tends to give the impression that Balloon has a disproportionately higher usage — even though the card itself does have such high usage.

Country Preference

CRL 2022 20-Win Challenge Card Stats: Preferred Win Conditions by the Top Countries

Besides the global use rate and win rate, we thought that it would be interesting to look at the player choices in different regions.

The chart above shows the most popular win conditions used by players in the top 10 countries with the most 20-win winners. It further shows how many times that win-condition was used to complete the challenge, and a multiplier of the norm.

For example, Brazil is the 6th most popular country in the world, with 213 players who had finished the challenge. The most popular win-condition used was Giant, which was used 47 times. In contrast, Giant was used to win the 20-win challenge 185 times out of the 5712 winners. This means that Brazil’s use of Giant as a win condition is 6.81 times the baseline figure.

multiplier = country win-con use rate / global win-con use rate

rank c country wci wc count mult
1 🇯🇵 Japan Royal Hogs 155 1.34
2 🇲🇽 Mexico Balloon 91 2.29
3 🇺🇸 USA X-Bow 47 3.39
4 🇫🇷 France Graveyard 44 1.59
5 🇩🇪 Germany Lava Hound 46 2.06
6 🇧🇷 Brazil Giant 47 6.81
7 🇰🇷 South Korea Graveyard 51 2.65
8 🇵🇪 Peru Balloon 24 1.83
9 🇮🇷 Iran Giant 26 4.84
10 🇮🇹 Italy Hog Rider 22 2.23
11 🇪🇸 Spain Royal Hogs 16 1.19
12 🇷🇺 Russia Graveyard 21 1.79
13 🇨🇴 Colombia Hog Rider 11 1.91
14 🇦🇷 Argentina Royal Hogs 13 1.57
15 🇨🇦 Canada Goblin Drill 10 1.48
16 🇹🇷 Turkey Lava Hound 21 3.57
17 🇨🇳 China Hog Rider 8 1.63
18 🇳🇱 Netherlands Goblin Barrel 14 2.21
19 🇬🇹 Guatemala Giant 10 5.23
20 🇺🇦 Ukraine Mortar 13 4.54

CRL 2022 20-Win Challenge Card Stats: Preferred Win Conditions by the Top 20 Countries

Win Conditions and Decks

Clash Royale Season 38 Clash From The Past

Royal Hogs

Royal Hogs have the highest wins among all the 20-win decks.

This is likely due to a unexpected rise of a deck that seemed to have come from nowhere when there were only 3 days left to play the challenge. This deck had 100k games with a 61% win rate when we first tweeted it. As of this writing, more than 700k games have been played and it still maintains a whopping 58% win rate!

Some interesting facts about this deck:

  • First known battle. Played by ʕ•̫͡•ʔ✧あみったん♡ on Ladder at 2022-08-05 11:59:45 UTC.
  • First Grand Challenge 12-Win Winner. Played by たぁ (Taa) at 2022-08-05 18:24:39 UTC.
  • First 20-Win Winner. Played by bebbefan at 2022-08-07 17:16:41 UTC.
  • 234 players have won the 20-win challenge with this deck, making this the most successfully deck in the challenge.

RHogs GS FishBoy Ghost
Royal Hogs Giant Skeleton Mother Witch Royal Ghost Fisherman Mirror Zappies Arrows

Another successful deck is the Archer Queen Hoggies cycle 2.9. This deck is one of those evergreen cycle decks that have been successful for more than a year.

RHogs AQ 2.9 Cycle
Royal Hogs Archer Queen Earthquake Fire Spirit Skeletons Royal Delivery The Log Cannon


Graveyard came closely second in the overall winners. Here are a few decks that were used to win the challenge:

Graveyard Skeleton King Baby Dragon Poison Ice Wizard Tornado Barbarian Barrel Tombstone

SK GS GY FishBoy
Graveyard Skeleton King Giant Skeleton Hunter Fisherman Zappies Arrows Giant Snowball

Graveyard Skeleton King Giant Skeleton Inferno Dragon Fireball Zappies Arrows Tombstone

Goblin Barrel

Coming in at third overall is Goblin Barrel, which is due in no small part to the popularity and success of the Mighty Miner 2.9 Cycle. At the end of the 20-win challenge, 135 players have won with this deck.

It’s worth noting that although Goblin Barrel had a lot of success, its overall battle win rates are lower than 50% baseline. This usually means that many players have tried to play the deck unsuccessfully — even though the skilled players do finish more challenges overall.

MM 2.9 Cycle
Goblin Barrel Mighty Miner Rocket Dart Goblin Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log Cannon

Lava Hound

Is the 20-Win Challenge difficult? What about winning the 20-Win Challenge 20 times?! That’s exactly what Carl the Legend (@CarltheLegendCR) did. Besides finishing the challenge multiple times, he was also the fastest player to finish (one of) his runs!

The deck he used to finish most of these challenges? This Lava Loon with Mighty Miner. You can often catch him streaming on Twitch with this deck throughout the season. Tune in if you want to learn to play the deck!

MM LavaLoon SD MegaM
Lava Hound Balloon Mighty Miner Fireball Skeleton Dragons Mega Minion Zap Tombstone

Hog Rider

Ever more popular — Hog Rider has the second highest battle use rate (12%) but a less than stellar 44% battle win rate.

For the 385 players who have completed the challenge, nearly a third of them (120) did it with Hog 2.6 Cycle. Long considered deadly in the hands of very skilled Hog player, this deck is tough to master for beginning players.

Hog 2.6 Cycle
Hog Rider Musketeer Fireball Ice Golem Skeletons Ice Spirit The Log Cannon

Elixir Golem

Despite the rework, Elixir Golem had the least amount of 20 wins — at 27 times.

These two decks each had 4 completions in the challenge.

EGolem BarbHut Double Dragon Nado
Elixir Golem Baby Dragon Battle Healer Electro Dragon Barbarian Hut Tornado Barbarian Barrel Heal Spirit

EGolem Double Dragon Nado
Elixir Golem Baby Dragon Battle Healer Electro Dragon Mirror Tornado The Log Tombstone


The 5th most successful decks in the challenge had 102 20-wins:

LumberLoon Double Dragon Bowler Freeze
Balloon Lumberjack Inferno Dragon Bowler Electro Dragon Tornado Freeze Barbarian Barrel

Battle Ram

The 7th most successful decks is the classic Pekka Bridge Spam (84 wins).

Pekka Bandit EWiz Bridge Spam
Battle Ram P.E.K.K.A Magic Archer Royal Ghost Fireball Electro Wizard Bandit Zap

Royal Giant

This Royal Giant deck had 82 wins and came in 8th overall.

RG SK FishBoy Zappies
Royal Giant Skeleton King Mother Witch Fisherman Fireball Zappies The Log Tombstone

Goblin Drill

Goblin Drill had two top decks. One with Giant Skeleton at 72 wins.

AQ GS GobDrill 3.3 Cycle
Goblin Drill Giant Skeleton Archer Queen Fireball Fire Spirit Skeletons The Log Cannon

The other with Skeleton King and Wall Breakers at 71 wins.

SK WB GobDrill
Goblin Drill Wall Breakers Skeleton King Skeleton Army Fireball Dart Goblin The Log Inferno Tower


If you’re interested in seeing all the decks that have won the 20-Win Challenge:

If you prefer a more explorative view, we have also made a treemap visualization of all the decks. This visualization works best on a desktop computer.

CRL 20-Win Challenge 2022 Winning Decks

Author: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI


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