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Final Balance Changes for November 2023 (Season 53) - Clash Royale News Blog

November 12, 2023 · 3 min read

5 balance changes will be applied on Monday, November 13, 2023. It will coincide with a mandatory client update that will be available on the App Store and Google Play.

final balance

Final Balance Changes for November 2023 (Season 53)

In preparation for the CRL World Finals, there will be five balances implemented on Monday, November 13, 2023. It will coincide with a mandatory client update that will be available on the App Store and Google Play.

Table of Contents

Bats Evolution (Buff)

This latest change will enable Evolved Bats to trigger their life-draining, vampiric abilities more quickly, optimizing their sustenance on the battlefield. With this change, Supercell hopes that it will extend their unnatural existence in the Arena, thus increasing their overall longevity and impact.

Before After
First Hit Time -60% 0.5 sec 0.2 sec

Skeletons Evolution (Buff)

Skeletons have traditionally been been comparatively weak in the existing Evolutions roster. With this adjustment, their replication rate will increase by 20%.

Before After
First Hit Time -20% 0.5 sec 0.4 sec

Knight Evolution (Nerf)

Currently, the Evolved Knight stands out as a prominent powerhouse within the Card Evolutions and features prevalently across numerous decks. This change is intended to curb his output, resulting in a significant decrease of 18% in damage per second at Level 11.

Before After
Hit Speed -18% 1.11 hits per sec 0.909 hits per sec
Effective DPS -18%

Royal Recruits Evolution (Nerf)

The Evolved Royal Recruits, yet another robust Evolution, are currently gaining significant traction in gameplay. This new adjustment it intended to curtail their total damage output by a notable 5%.

Before After
Damage Bonus Multiplier -5% 1.12 1.06

Little Prince (Nerf)

The Guardian has been exceeding her rescue responsibilities, notably achieving proficiency in attacking the Crown Towers owing to her elongated range dash. With this change, countering her Royal Rescue should become a more manageable task.

Before After
Royal Rescue Dash Distance -10% 5.0 tiles 4.5 tiles

Mandatory Client Update

In addition to these balance changes, there will be a mandatory client update that will be available on the App Store and Google Play. This update will be available on Monday, November 13, 2023, and will contain the follow bug fixes:

These bug fixes are quoted verbatim from the patch notes provided to us by Supercell.

  • Occasional crashes on iOS 16.5+.
  • The animation shakes when units pathfind horizontally.
  • Cloning during the spawn timer pushes the unit forward.
  • Cloning a goblin giant gives you extra floating spear goblins.
  • Players are able to place overlapping buildings.
  • Bandit and Golden Knight Dash do not hit units on the other side of the river.
  • Other units cannot push the frozen troops.
  • Guardian was hitting units underground.
  • Bots are not playing evolved cards when practicing from replays.
  • Replay practice from Classic 1v1 is not capped at level 11.

Bonus: What is First Hit Time?

Balance changes often talk about First Hit Time — but do you know what it really is? Check out our blog post about the secret stats in Clash Royale to understand why it’s not actually part of the configuration constants. These are advanced topics that pro players usually would know, and will drastically improve your ability to play the game — guaranteed.

Final Balance Changes for November 2023 (Season 53)

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作者: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI
作者: Alpe123
Alpe is the Director of Content and Esports at RoyaleAPI.
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