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Season 44 Love and Magic (February 2023)

February 2, 2022 · 8 min read

Celebrate a month of Valentine’s with the Super Magic Archer, 7 new emotes, 2 tower skins, 24 banner items, and more!

season update

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

In the mood for love? The theme for the February season is Love and Magic, and we’ll have three boosted troops for the season: Magic Archer, Golem and Sparky. We’ll also be having new emotes just for them! Players who enjoy the super troop challenge will be thrilled to learn that we’ll be getting a new Super Magic Archer special challenge to play, where you could collect two new emotes when you complete them. Mega Draft will return as a special Global Tournament. There will be 7 new emotes, 2 tower skins, and 24 banner items for the entire season.

Season 44 begins on Monday, February 6th, 2023.

Balance Changes will be applied on Tuesday, February 7th, 2023. You can read the details about these changes on a separate post.

This season will mark the beginning of the Clash Royale League (CRL) 2023, where you can enter the competition by finishing in the Top 1000 on the Path of Legends. Read everything about CRL here.

Table of Contents

Video Preview

Our video serves as a great introduction to everything you’ll see in the upcoming season. Check it out first before reading!

📺 Watch on YouTube


Battles in February will take place in the Prince’s Dream, which was originally released for the June 2020 season for gay pride.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Tower Skins

Two tower skins are available this season. One is related to Magic Archer, and the other is to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Valentines (Pass Royale)

A very pink skin with hearts on both towers. This is designed to go harmoniously with the Prince’s Dream arena.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Tower Icon Valentines tower skin set. Pass Royale at Tier 10.
King Tower Valentines King Tower.
Princess Tower Valentines Princess Tower.

Magic Archer (Shop)

It‘s a green tower skin with wood accent. The King Tower has an upside-down triangle which we see in Magic Archer’s outfit. The Princess Tower has a target. Both towers comes with blue ropes and sets of magic arrows.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Tower Icon Magic Archer tower skin set. In-App Purchase.
King Tower Magic Archer King Tower.
Princess Tower Magic Archer Princess Tower.


There will be seven (7) new emotes this season.

Golem: Heart Tattoo (Shop)

Golem raises his arm and shows off his tattoo in the shape of a heart.

Get this at the shop.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Golem: Rocker (Shop)

🤟 Golem makes the popular hand-gesture typically associated with rock while rocks flies behind him. Index finger up, middle fingers down, pinky up, thumb in. Also known as the sign of the horns, it has a variety of meanings. In contemporary use by musicians and actors in Northwestern Europe and North America, it’s generally associated with rock and heavy metal music.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Golem: Super Villain (Path of Legends)

A dark figure appears behind the tower and becomes a Golem with glowing eyes and fire. King Kong reference?

Unlock this when you reach League 4: Master I on the Path of Legends.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Magic Archer: Magic Bow (Challenge)

Magic Archer holds his right hand against his face. A light orb starts to glow in his hand, and becomes a sparkling Magic Bow.

Unlock this at the Super Magic Archer challenge.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Magic Archer: Magic Heart (Challenge)

Magic Archer sticks his finger out and outlines a heart in the air. The outline turns into a real glowing heart and flies away.

Unlock this at the Super Magic Archer challenge.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Sparky: Electro Heart (Challenge)

Sparky heats up his coils and shoots an electric heart into the air.

Unlock this at the Capture the Sparky challenge.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Sparky: Love Box (Pass Royale)

💝 A gift box in the shape of a heart is sparked by electricity. The lid opens and reveal Sparky inside.

Unlock this at Tier 20 in the paid track of Pass Royale.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Free Magic Item

A Rare Book of Cards will be up for grabs at Tier 35 on the free track of Pass Royale.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

A Rare Book of Cards at Tier 35 on the free track of Pass Royale.

Boosted Cards

Three (3) cards will be boosted in the the entire February.

Magic Archer

Best Decks with Magic Archer

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


Best Decks with Golem

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


Best Decks with Sparky

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Twenty-four (24) brand new banner items will be available this season. Sixteen (16) will come in your Banner Box, with an additional Eight (8) available for purchase at the shop.

High Chance

Love Arrows

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


Dragons Army

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Golden Knight

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Mother Witch

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Extremely Rare

Love Bomb

This is, in my opinion, the best free banner for the season.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Lover Jack

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


This banner is named “Rascals” and I have no idea why since it shows the Goblin Giant… What do you think? 🤔

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


Chibi Pride

The Chibi series returns with some rainbow banners. The rainbow colors celebrate the diversity of life. This one shows a Rascal Girl holding a rainbow banner.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Chibi Valentine

Another rainbow banner with the Archer shooting love arrows.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Pack: Cherubins + Giant Skeleton in Love + Love Rider

The special offer returns, where you’ll get 3 foreground and 1 background in a single package

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Here’s how they look individually:


Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Giant Skeleton in Love

Over-the-top insanity overload. This is definitely my favorite in all of the paid banner offers at the shop!

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Love Rider

This is super fun also. 🤣

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Challenges and Global Tournaments

Double-Date Draft (2v2): February 6-12

The season will kick off with a 2v2 challenge. Draft mode — so you’ll probably want to play with a friend with voice chat. Lucky you if you’ve got a friend to play with in real life!

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Royal Tournament (Mega Draft): February 11-15

Mega Draft returns in a Global Tournament! This is where you’ll shine if you just don’t like playing against meta decks.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Super Magic Archer: February 13-19

The special troops return with the Super Magic Archer. This challenge has two stages, and you can can win an emote at each of these stages.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Stage 1 is casual mode. You’ll win the Magic Archer: Magic Bow emote at 8 wins. This is the first time we’ve seen an emote offered in casual mode.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Stage 2 is regular mode, where the challenge will end after 3 losses — but you’ll be able to pick up where you left off with gems or a free continue with the pass. You’ll win the Magic Archer: Magic Heart emote at 10 wins.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Gameplay 1

Super Magic Archer costs 5 elixir and deals minimal damage (1 dmg at challenge level). But when his arrows shoot through an enemy troop, the troop will “fall in love” and switch sides to fight for you!

See the video above to get a better idea, but here are some screen grabs to illustrate the action.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Opponent plays Goblin Giant, and you put down a Pekka to defend, and play Super Magic Archer behind.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

His arrows shoots through Goblin Giant (indicated by the heart icons)

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

…and now the Goblin Giant joins your team and fight alongside your team!

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Gameplay 2

Here’s another scenario — you’ve got a Pekka walking across the river and the Super Magic Archer is right behind…

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Your opponent defends with a Monk, and activates his ability.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

The reflected arrows are considered to be your opponent’s, so they flip your Pekka and Super Magic Archer to play as your opponent’s team.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Gameplay 3

In this third replay, we have a similar setup as the first replay, with Pekka defending against the Goblin Giant again.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Your Super Magic Archer hits the Goblin Giant, while your opponent’s Super Magic Archer hits your Pekka.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

The end result is the flipped Pekka now attacking your tower directly, while the flipped Goblin Giant walking across the river.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

You can flip your Pekka back by shooting at him.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Needless to say, these battles are super chaotic and loads of fun. I hope that you’ll enjoy the challenge!


Here’s how the Super Magic Archer compare with the regular Magic Archer

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Super Magic Archer Magic Archer
Elixir 5 4
Area Damage 1 134
Hit Points 701 532
Hit Speed 2 sec 1.1 sec

Mirror, Mirror: February 20-26

The classic very fair Mirror challenge returns — Both players have the same deck and the same starting cards. Every deck contains a Mirror! Standard challenge — 3 losses and you’re out. There are lots of banner tokens in this challenge so you won’t want to miss out!

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Royal Tournament (Standard): February 26 - March 1

The standard Global Tournament returns towards the end of the month.

Capture the Sparky: February 27 - March 5

Also towards the end of the month is a new game mode called “Capture the Sparky”.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


If you’re familiar with the Mortar Capture game mode then you should be figure out how this works. A sparky sits in the middle of river for both teams to attack.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Whoever is first to win the sparky will get a free Sparky to join their team and fight for them.

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic

Most Capture-the-X game modes tend to feature decks with Inferno Dragon and Inferno Tower, then add Electro Dragon as a counter. Come back to our site during the challenge to see what the best decks will be. Tip: data will be most accurate after the second day!

Party Modes

Double Elixir: February 6-12

Elixir generates at double speed!

Triple Draft: February 13-19

Draft your 8-card deck, picking from 3 choices at a time.

2v2 Rage: February 20-26

Someone spilt Rage all over the Arena... Everything moves and attacks faster!

Touchdown: February 27 - March 5

Get a troop into your opponent's end zone to score!

Path of Legends Config Change

The win multipliers will change at season reset on Monday, March 6, 2023.

Update 2023-02-06: Supercell clarifies that this multiplier will be applied at the end of the February season.

Previously, win multipliers were capped at 6. After the change, the multipliers will correspond to the league number.

League Win Multiplier
League 1
League 2
League 3
League 4
League 5
League 6
League 7
League 8
League 9
League 10 10×

Let’s say your first win is at 6x, and you have just won your first game. You will gain 6 steps instead of 1 step. So you have skipped 5 steps since 1 step came from your win.

With this, we can determine the following:

Before: players will be able to skip 15 steps quickly with a 6× max multiplier.

5+4+3+2+1 = 15

After: players will be able to skip 45 steps quickly with a 10× max multiplier.

9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 45


Here’s a checklist of everything in this season so you can keep track of what’s available to collect!

Clash Royale February 2023 Season 44 Love and Magic


season update

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Autor: SML
SML (See-ming Lee) is the Founder of RoyaleAPI. He made this site because he loves Clash Royale. Read about the History of RoyaleAPI

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